The following is a list of events that occur during each month. Check back often throughout the year at Pocket Nightmares for the great, limited time only rewards they offer!
Please note that many of these bosses you can only be defeated once per day.
It's cold out there in January, and the kids writing their names in the snow have angered Jack Frost and his army of pissed off-and on-snowmen! They're waiting for you in the Petrified Woods during the month of January!
When defeated, the Jack Frost drop varying amounts of Credit .
The amount you win is based heavily on the difficulty level you are playing.
Encounterable in early E1 dungeons, this Ice Form Pocket Nightmare is only catchable with a Gamer Succubus' Throw Nifleball ability.
To learn more about the Pocket Nightmare Expansion, go here.
These lovely ladies seek to rid Niflheim of all the heterosexual creatures they can in the Devil's Peaks.
When defeated, the these ladies drop varying amounts of Heart Tarts .
The amount you win is based heavily on the difficulty level you are playing.
The Unloved Succubus is spreading drama in the Weeping Hills and waiting for the first male creature she can latch onto!
When defeated, the Unloved Succubus drops varying amounts of Credit .
The amount you win is based on the difficulty you are playing.
Check outside Onyx City to find Keli's Valentine's Day Shop!
There you can purchase most breeding scents, along with a few powerful exclusives, with Heart Tarts you can collect elsewhere in the game.
You can acquire Heart Tarts Daily in the following ways:
Breeding combinations within your Compendium of Love can be bought
with Heart Tarts .
Encounterable in early E1 dungeons, this Plant Form Pocket Nightmare is only catchable with a Gamer Succubus' Throw Nifleball ability.
To learn more about the Pocket Nightmare Expansion, go here.
This vicious Leprechaun has a thirst for blood! Fight her in the Morterra Marsh during March once a day, but be careful!
The more Leprechaun Gold you're carrying, the more cruel she'll be!
When defeated, the Bloody Leprechaun drops varying amounts of Leprechaun Gold .
The amount you win is based heavily on the difficulty level you are playing.
The Trickster Leprechaun is scowering the Hedge Maze, searching eagerly for Manon's hidden gold. Help Manon out by defeating this nuisance once a day!
When defeated, the Trickster Leprechaun drops varying amounts of Credit .
The amount you win is based on the difficulty you are playing.
Check outside Fallen Village to find Red Cat's Gaelic Weaponry Shop!
There you can purchase exclusive, powerful level 80 or 99 weapons with Leprechaun Gold you can collect elsewhere in the game.
You can acquire Leprechaun Gold Daily in the following ways:
Encounterable in early E1 dungeons, this Plant Form Pocket Nightmare is only catchable with a Gamer Succubus' Throw Nifleball ability.
To learn more about the Pocket Nightmare Expansion, go here.
Poptin's crazed ex-apprentice is stirring up trouble near the Moonlit Graveyard after huffing too much lead paint.
Defeat him each day in the Misty Woods to earn Hollowed Rabbits
for use in Egg Painting and Alternate Color
Within the Shadow Forest rests an egg left out so long after an Easter Egg hunt that it eventually rotted enough to develop a consciousness.
When defeated, the Rotten Egg drop varying amounts of Credit .
The amount you win is based heavily on the difficulty level you are playing.
Use Hollowed Rabbits
in Poptin's Shop for an increased Painting success rate.
Poptin needs your help finding three eggs for him once a day. What do you get in return? A high chance of receiving a superb enemy egg! Just visit him at the beginning of Episode 4 and beyond to get started.
Note that this quest will not reset each day unless it is completed, or you have restarted the storyline and erased your current progress in it.
Encounterable in early E1 dungeons, this Electric Form Pocket Nightmare is only catchable with a Gamer Succubus' Throw Nifleball ability.
To learn more about the Pocket Nightmare Expansion, go here.
Find this shop outside Onyx City in Episode 2+ to purchase alternate color options for several LESPs! More will be added each year.
To purchase the colors you'll need
Hollowed Rabbits ,
found elsewhere in the game.
You can acquire Hollowed Rabbits Daily in the following ways:
Some demonic babies can't find their mommy in the second area of Shadow Forest! Quickly kill and turn them into Baby Food before she arrives!
When defeated, the Demonic Babies are made into Baby Food that builds powerful Demon Baby equips in Orion's Shop!
Encounterable in early E1 dungeons, this Shadow Form Pocket Nightmare is only catchable with a Gamer Succubus' Throw Nifleball ability.
To learn more about the Pocket Nightmare Expansion, go here.
Out to steal Cutless' seat in office, this mango bird is fluttering around the Barren Lands searching out discarded methamphetamines for the energy he needs to give ridiculous speeches.
Send him back behind his wall once a day to earn effective treatments for the Slooty corona Virus family: Cleaning Fluid Injections and Anal UV Bulbs.
This virulent sloot is spreading more than her legs in the Dead Man's Esophagus.
When defeated, Corona Chan drop varying amounts of Credit .
The amount you win is based heavily on the difficulty level you are playing.
The seconds, deadlier strain of the Corona Sloot Family, this curvy vixen is likely to cause death to those not protected by the Hydroxychloroquine Gene.
Defeat her each day in the Dead Man'S small Intestine to earn Dead Viruses
for use in Harry Dresden's Gene Shop!
Due to a desperate need of Corona samples, Harry Shipmn's Shop in Onyx City 2 will have a May exclusive option called "May Gene Mixer". For a small amount of
Dead Viruses
you'll be able to apply up to 5 genes to a creature with this option!
You can acquire Dead Viruses
Daily in the following ways:
An Incubus that just wants to be left alone with his friends in the desert, sharing his wealth and love with them generously.
When defeated, the Gay Pride Incubus drop varying amounts of Credit .
The amount you win is based heavily on the difficulty level you are playing.
Indoctrinating passersby with anti-LGBTQ+ bigotry in the Petrified Woods while secretly admiring the hard firmness of the wood around him.
When defeated, he drops varying amounts of Gender Fluid .
The amount you win is based heavily on the difficulty level you are playing.
Visit the Sex Mod Pod in Onyx City 2 to spend your precious
Gender Fluid
on Sex Modifying outfits.
The elven bigot Phelps is protesting Gay Pride month in the first Undead Field!
When defeated, the Bigot Elf drops items for building LGBT-inspired equipment in Orion's Shop!
Breed same sex creatures without having to own the Credit Shop Key Item Rainbow Ring in Freya's Bordello in Onyx City.
Encounterable in early E1 dungeons, this Poison Form Pocket Nightmare is only catchable with a Gamer Succubus' Throw Nifleball ability.
To learn more about the Pocket Nightmare Expansion, go here.
Visit the June Shroom Shop outside the Moonlit Graveyard in Episode 0 to spend your precious
Gender Fluid
on random, mystery creatures belonging to the Fluffy Collection.
You can acquire Gender Fluid
Daily in the following ways:
Watch freedom ring this July just before S. A. M. (Sado-masochistic American Machine) destroys you in the Barren Lands with his W. M. D. (Weapon of Mass Destruction)! But don't worry too much. It's usually just bullshit!
When defeated, S. A. M. drops varying amounts of Credit .
The amount you win is based heavily on the difficulty level you are playing.
This kingly, fast food loving bird can be fought once a day in the Dead man's Colon.
When defeated, he drops varying amounts of Freedom Fries .
The amount you win is based heavily on the difficulty level you are playing.
Encounterable in early E1 dungeons, this Sacred Form Pocket Nightmare is only catchable with a Gamer Succubus' Throw Nifleball ability.
To learn more about the Pocket Nightmare Expansion, go here.
The Country Cow sells exclusive July only Eggs from her trailer outside Onyx City in exchange for Freedom
Fries .
The eggs she offers are weakened versions of boss eggs that have been scattered throughout various months. The selection will expand each year as the developer adds more monthly bosses!
You can acquire Freedom Fries
Daily in the following ways:
The delicious and giving Newt Cone is traveling across Niflheim, handing out cool and frosty treats to the inhabitants!
Note: This enemy has a 5% chance of appearing in any dungeon.
Encounterable in early E1 dungeons, this Flame Form Pocket Nightmare is only catchable with a Gamer Succubus' Throw Nifleball ability.
To learn more about the Pocket Nightmare Expansion, go here.
A hungry Neko is searching for food in the Expanse of Misery 1!
When defeated, the Neko Supreme drops varying amounts of Credit .
The amount you win is based heavily on the difficulty level you are playing.
This thicc, hot lady can be fought in the Expanse of Misery 2.
When defeated, the chubby vixen drops varying amounts of Hot Cakes
. The amount you win is based heavily on the difficulty level you are playing.
Within the 2nd area of Carcass you'll find a decrepit old beach house near the foul-smelling stomach acid.
There you can purchase bikinis and other sexy outfits that are a mix of exclusive and grindable in exchange for Hot
Cakes .
You can acquire Hot Cakes
Daily in the following ways:
This troublemaking Neko has been neglecting her bullying duties. Punish her in the Cave of Healing for free LESP Items!
A brainwashed Efreet has invaded Barren Lands and must be stopped! Beware his stereotypically deadly attacks and strange murmerings as he blows apart your Soul Puppets with ease!
When defeated, the Terrorist Efreet drop varying amounts of Credit .
The amount you win is based heavily on the difficulty level you are playing.
Encounterable in early E1 dungeons, this Water Form Pocket Nightmare is only catchable with a Gamer Succubus' Throw Nifleball ability.
To learn more about the Pocket Nightmare Expansion, go here.
The Lord of Pasta can be battled in the Belenus Volcano 2.
When defeated, the Flying Pasta Monster drops varying amounts of Ramen Bowls .
The amount you win is based heavily on the difficulty level you are playing.
Near the Belenus Volcano is a second one: the smaller, more thirst quenching, Beer Volcano!
There you can purchase high powered, year lasting Key Items in exchange for
Ramen Bowls .
You can acquire Ramen Bowls
Daily in the following ways:
The weakling Pumpkin Brothers are skulking around the Shadow Forest. Can you defeat them?
When defeated, the Pumpkin Brothers drop varying amounts of Pumpkin Points .
The amount you win is based heavily on the difficulty level you are playing.
Purchase powerful equips, items and LESP Eggs from Keli's Halloween Shops scattered acrossed Niflheim. Her rewards must be purchased with Pumpkin Points .
Her Shops are located in the following locations:
October Exclusive Collectables can be acquired, by random chance, from her shop.
You can see the full list of October Collectable Category Eggs at Information>Shop Date>Eggs.
Her Egg Shop is outside Fallen Village during Episodes 5, 6 and 0.
Encounterable in early E1 dungeons, this Shadow Form Pocket Nightmare is only catchable with a Gamer Succubus' Throw Nifleball ability.
To learn more about the Pocket Nightmare Expansion, go here.
The powerful Big Pumpkin Bro is trying to protect his little brothers in Shadow Forest 2.
When defeated, he drops varying amounts of Credit .
The amount you win is based heavily on the difficulty level you are playing.
The powerful Indian Corona Delta is spreading her disease within Morterra Marsh.
When defeated, she drops varying amounts of Pumpkin Points .
The amount you win is based heavily on the difficulty level you are playing.
You can acquire Pumpkin Points Daily in the following ways:
His evil plans didn't stop after his own death! Click him in the Barren Lands to put a stop to his plot.
When defeated, Guy Fawkes drops varying amounts of Credit .
The amount you win is based heavily on the difficulty level you are playing.
Encounterable in early E1 dungeons, this Wrath Form Pocket Nightmare is only catchable with a Gamer Succubus' Throw Nifleball ability.
To learn more about the Pocket Nightmare Expansion, go here.
Randomly appears in battles and grants you one EXP Food item after more than 5 turns have passed. You'll need to kill her afterwards.
Note: This enemy has a 5% chance of appearing in any dungeon.
This despicable turkey wants to eat you for Thanksgiving dinner instead! Click him in the Misty Woods to encounter this disgusting fowl. Gobble, gobble. Graaaaains. Gobble, gobble.
When defeated, the Zombie Turkey drops varying amounts of Golden Gobblers .
The amount you win is based heavily on the difficulty level you are playing.
Purchase LESP Eggs from 2013 and earlier with Golden Gobblers in Keli's Egg Shop just outside the Onyx City during Episodes 2-6.
Purchase the best EXP Foods available with Golden Gobblers in Cereal Junkie's Item Shop just outside the Moonlit Graveyard during Episodes 1-6.
You can acquire Golden Gobblers Daily in the following ways:
The Ginger Breadcap is out to help you and others! He travels throughout Niflheim during December sharing holiday treats with hungry creatures during random battles.
Satan Claws is ruining Christmas in Chione Snow Fields! Defeat him once a day to earn a rare Christmas equip.
Gift box is bouncing around Misty Woods. When defeated, he drops varying amounts of Mistletokens .
The amount you win is based heavily on the difficulty level you are playing.
Encounterable in early E1 dungeons, this Sacred Form Pocket Nightmare is only catchable with a Gamer Succubus' Throw Nifleball ability.
To learn more about the Pocket Nightmare Expansion, go here.
Calm the Drunken Snowman's rage once a day by defeating him in the Onyx City Sewers.
When defeated, the Drunken Snowman drops varying amounts of Credit .
The amount you win is based heavily on the difficulty level you are playing.
Go on a short, Christmas adventure and bring down the powerful enemy Krampus with the help of the Festive Devil.
Talk to Elizabeth toward the end of Episode 6's GOOD/NEUTRAL ENDING path to get started.
Please note that owning a named Festive Devil is required to fully complete the quest.
Purchase powerful equips, gift boxes and other things from Eva's Christmas Shops scattered acrossed Niflheim.
You can acquire Mistletokens Daily in the following ways: