Nymph Species

Base Species

After a lonely journey through the woods, the Toymaker could have sworn he spotted a naked maiden gleefully wandering through the foliage just out of sight. Inspired by this occurrence, he crafted this beautiful Soul Puppet.
With poisonous vines and the sharp, jagged edges of the very earth at her disposal, she can tear opponents to shreds and leave those still alive infected with a deadly poison.

Miscellaneous Information

Weapon TypeBow
Artist Ignis
"Stealable" Item Yeast
Kin Nature
Category Soul Puppet

Soul Puppets Eggs are unlocked via the means listed here and acquirable from Dungeons, Breeding and NPC Shops.

Attribute Information

HP260 EP140 STR60 VIT60
MGC100 RES80 DEX100 SPD60
BTR WHT100 GenderF Style Hidden ?
fire-10 % water10 % light5 % dark-5 %
earth20 % wind-20 %