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Server Rollback

Too many problems popped up with the software change, so I dialed it back to previous settings for now.

The big update I had planned for Monday will be delayed.

Posted by Ignis on July 4th, 2024 at 11:34 AM

Software Version Update

The server's software has been updated. If there are parts of the game not working for you, please let me know.

A larger scale software update should take place around Monday. I'll post another news piece with exact details of that update later.

Edit: The larger update is delayed for now.

Posted by Ignis on July 4th, 2024 at 5:30 AM

Extra Slow

For those that didn't know, I've been trying to plan out making a new campaign. Unfortunately, hiring the artist I had in mind to help kind of fell through. It's safe to say what I had planned was a lot of artwork, and it wouldn't have been fiscally worth it for them after preliminary calculations.

I haven't decided yet if I'll be looking for a different artist, but planning that out+my move is why things have been extra slow here. And I apologize to anyone disappointed by that. I'm hoping my move is out of the way in earlyish July.

Thanks for everyone's patience.

We're thinking about a different project that's easier to monetize. I may have updates on this sometime later in the year.

Posted by Ignis on June 15th, 2024 at 4:45 AM

Server Update

I'm going to be working with my host to upgrade the website's server software. If things get screwy over the next couple of days, assume that's why.

This update has no particular benefit for us. It's just a hassle we all gotta deal with.

Posted by Ignis on June 13th, 2024 at 5:36 AM

LESP Outfit Overhaul: FF, CB

Cat Brawler and Feline Fighter have had their outfits overhauled with alternate colors and edited by me to cut out filler. Note that the original outfits are still available if you want them and can be claimed free if you own the new versions.

If you have already contributed to the Feline Fighter/Cat Brawler offer, you can claim the new edits you've earned already at the purchase screen. You must do this before the month ends to receive them.

Posted by Ignis on May 23rd, 2024 at 8:17 AM