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Adventurer Kills

Rank # Player Name Total Successful Hunts
1 Saless 95,803
2 Pdrive1872 27,706
3 Smileus 22,824
4 DundasGarth 21,588
5 zBIz 21,521
6 David9195 20,657
7 butz 20,090
8 Oldkerbin 17,403
9 Shaughna 14,064
10 Bialar 12,633
11 Chevy 11,527
12 ikkemikke 9,065
13 Genji 8,880
14 Jindrichus 8,018
15 Meatpuppet 7,856
16 Niadra 6,676
17 pira joe 6,275
18 Gaurdian 6,137
19 Stanewold 6,020
20 Argos 5,957
21 Rehab 4,320
22 Glordaeron 3,347
23 lilymoncat 3,241
24 mrbluegrass 2,591
25 Cepnir 2,379
26 Ada234 2,290
27 Darling 2,203
28 HeroeAsakura 2,008
29 giovaski 1,789
30 darvron 1,605
Last Updated: Fri Jul 26 16:47:35 CDT 2024

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