Hailing from the enigmatic Seleni lineage, the ethereal daughters of the lunar sphere who, in epochs past, rendered aid and sanctuary to mere mortals, Chandra stands as the paramount entity. As the primogeniture of the Seleni, she embodies an ageless potency unmatched within her celestial kin, her powers echoing through millennia.
Gracefully, she breaches the ethereal borders of Niflheim, her arrival as smooth as it is undisturbed. Guided by an eternal thirst for amusement, she battles with and destroys adversaries she scarcely acknowledges.
Before long, she shall recede into the sanctity of her celestial dominion, her departure as tranquil as her advent. The very moon from which she garners her power awaits, poised in perpetual longing, yearning for the return of its luminous daughter.
Design and art by ABD of Moonlace.
Limited Edition Soul Puppets are acquired by financially supporting the game and rolling LESP Tokens.
Attribute | Value | Attribute | Value |
10,592 | 10,699 | ||
2,719 | 2,561 | ||
1,710 | 3,599 | ||
2,520 | 1,241 | ||
14% | 0% | ||
101 | 7 | ||
-34% | 68% | ||
-2% | 37% | ||
16% | 18% | ||